The son of Francis and Mary Lou Smith, Michael F. Smith was born on March 20, 1949. He grew up in Omaha and had two sisters, Barb and Dianna; and three brothers, Mark, Steve, and Gregg. Following his 1967 graduation from Sacred Heart High School, Mike enlisted in the Army on August 14, 1967. He was assigned to B Company, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, and shipped to Vietnam in January 1968.
Mike was killed in action on April 28, 1968 in South Vietnam’s Quang Ngai Province. He was awarded the Purple Heart and was laid to rest at Calvary Cemetery in Omaha. Mike is honored on Panel 52E, Line 44 on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC.
The following letter to Mike was provided by his sister, Barb.
Dear Mike,
It’s been 52 years since you left your family behind in a place called Quang Ngai, South Vietnam, just 39 days after your 19th birthday. I often wonder what your children and, by now, your grandchildren would be like? What kind of husband and father you would have been? Your baby brother, Gregg, looks like you. He never had the opportunity to meet you, but has your kind heart and a great sense of humor! He soaks up any information about you. So, he knows you had a ready smile, wicket wit, kind soul, and a canary yellow ’56 Chevy; and that you were a big Beach Boys fan and played steel and bass guitars and the harmonica.
We have been in contact with Jim Sheehan. You went to advanced training with him. He said all the guys there were well into their 20s, and you were only 18 years old. He didn’t reveal details, but I can tell you that was probably the first bar that you, an 18-year-old Catholic boy, ever went to. I hope you had a wonderful time!!! You deserved that one!!!
I’m working to get you a 2nd Purple Heart based on what your military records show. Mom always said you should have two more, but I can’t find proof. You’ve never been forgotten by your friends, Tom Halstead and Dave Seymour. Tom hangs your picture at Harold's. Dave contacted me to say he was going to the Wall and asked if I had some things to leave for you. His call was very heartwarming and touching.
Steve Jones did lots of research on you and lined us up with a gentleman named Bruce Flaherty. He presents flags flown over the Capital to all the Gold Star Families he can find of men from his Company. He wanted your brothers and me to be sure you are never forgotten. Your entire family went to the presentation in Des Moines, IA. He also presented a flag to your best friend, Rob Ampacher, in Oklahoma. I went to that one too and met his family. Both were very heartwarming and sad at the same time.
In 2017 your brothers and I were presented with your personalized Honor and Remember Flag. It is beautiful. At the bottom of the flag is embroidered PFC Michael F. Smith 28 Apr 1968 Vietnam. The presentation was held at the VFW in Irvington. They graciously gave us the room for the ceremony. They also had the 21-gun salute and, of course, the bugle played Taps. It was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.
I love you, Mike. You are forever in my heart. I will never forget you! Ever!
28 April 1968
Presented: 30 January 2017