Brothers James E. “Jim” Moore and Gene Moore grew up in the small town of Weeping Water, NE. Jim was born on March 19, 1943 and Gene on August 15, 1948. While growing up, they both attended the United Methodist Church and were Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Jim and Gene both attended school, K-12, in Weeping Water. They both excelled in football, basketball, and track. They were class officers throughout their high school years and were very involved in school activities. They had great work ethics because they grew up in a small town where their father owned and operated a service station and had a farming operation.
Jim was an American Legion Boys Stater and later in college he served as a counselor at Boys State. Jim was a 6’4” forward on the 1961 Weeping Water state basketball championship team that finished the season with a 25-2 record. He would later play basketball at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. While attending school in Lincoln, Jim was a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Jim was received the “Outstanding Army ROTC Cadet” award during his graduating year of 1966.
After graduating from college, Jim was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, and he attended helicopter flight school at Ft. Walters, TX and Ft. Rucker, AL. Jim was sent to Vietnam in 1967. He was assigned as a helicopter gunship pilot and platoon leader. Jim served with the 25th Infantry Division in Cu Chi, South Vietnam and was later promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant.
On March 25, 1968, Jim was struck by mortar fire while going to check on two of his crew members. On that day – just six days after his 25th birthday – 1LT James E. Moore made the supreme sacrifice for his country. For his actions, he was awarded the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, Air Commendation Medal, Air Medal with 16 Oak leaf clusters, and the Purple Heart.
In 1966, Gene graduated from Weeping Water Public Schools at the age of 17. His patriotism led him to join the U.S. Navy in January of 1967, as soon as he became of age.
After completing boot camp in San Diego, CA, Gene became a signalman and served on three aircraft carriers: USS Kearsarge, USS Yorktown, and USS Ranger. Gene was deployed to the Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam War.
Gene was honorably discharged after four years of service, having earned the rank of Petty Officer Second Class. He subsequently married and had two children.

Gene passed away in 1992 from Mesothelioma related to his naval service.
Jim and Gene Moore are honored every year with scholarships given in their names to three Weeping Water high school seniors who are outstanding in citizenship, athletics, and work ethics. Jim and Gene are buried in the Oakwood Cemetery in Weeping Water. The townspeople recognize them as some of Weeping Water’s finest.
Presented: 7 August 2016