John (Jack) T. Baker was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania December 8, 1937 to Thomas and Catherine Baker. He was raised in one of the oldest roll homes in the area. Jack graduated from the all-boys Northeast Catholic High School. Jack had three sisters, Theresa, Kathleen and Ann Marie and a brother, Tom.

He joined the Air Force two weeks after graduating high school and earned his college degree while in the service. In his 20 years of service, Jack’s had various duties in missiles, communications and bomb loading units. Jack’s overseas assignments were England, Germany and Vietnam and state-side in Maine, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Michigan and Nebraska and Wyoming.

Suffice it to say that by the time he retired he was a Senior Master Sergeant, Jack was a well-traveled career military man. It was here in Nebraska where he met and married the love of his life, Rita. They were married for 54 years. Jack and Rita had three children, Mark, Thomas and Theresa and 8 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Playing sports was high on his list-golf, softball, basketball….and certainly fishing with family and fellow anglers. Jack loved being with people. More than he loved his Philadelphia Phillies The jury will forever be out on that answer! Although he didn’t brag or boast about it, those close to him knew he was quite proud of his military service.
John passed away from complications of Agent Orange on February 11, 2017 and is buried in the Omaha National Cemetery.

Honor and Remember Nebraska Chapter is pleased to present this flag sponsored by the Monday/Wednesday Golf Gang to the family of Senior Master Sergeant John T. Baker.