Matthew C. Myers was born July 18, 1994 at St. Elizabeth hospital in Lincoln, NE. He was the youngest of Michael and Carol Myers’ three children. His brother, Kyle Myers, and sister, Allison Heimes, both live in Nebraska with their families.
Matt grew up and spent most of his life in Lincoln until his parents moved to Branson, MO during his junior year of high school. While a transition like that might have been hard for most, Matt always found it easy to make new friends and thrived in their new home. He played varsity tennis and sang in the choir before graduating from Branson High in 2013.
A favorite story shared by Matt’s sister, Alison: “My brother and I used to recite the lyrics to Fresh Prince of Bel Air like it was poetry. We did this all the time, randomly. We would text it, we would say it across the room, we would say it in a phone call and we would alternate who said what line. One day he would start with ‘in west Philadelphia born and raised’ and I’d go right into ‘on the playground is where I’d spend most of my days.’ We did this when the other one was sad…to cheer them up. We would do it when we were bored, literally all the time. We were just goofy like that.”
After graduation, Matt attended the University of Missouri majoring in chemistry. His high school friend and roommate, Will Cooper, was in the ROTC program and encouraged Matt to join. Matt so enjoyed the experience that he joined the Missouri Army National Guard and reported for basic training at Fort Jackson, SC in February 2016.
After basic, Matt received Advanced Infantry Training as a signal support specialist at Fort Gordon, GA in March of 2016. He was selected the Distinguished Honor Graduate of the Class 25U 038-16.
Back in Missouri, Matt served in the 175th MP BN HHD National Guard unit in Columbia. He said that being a part of this unit was one of the most fulfilling experiences he’d ever had and was very proud to be a part of it. He seemed to be at home and to have found a second family in his National Guard unit.
One day, the unit was with some higher ups in leadership and they were doing a fun exercise where they described what items they would bring with them on a deserted island. They could only bring one item. As they went around the room, everyone trying to impress leadership said things like, hatchet, antibiotics, pocket knife, etc... but when it got to Matt, he said “I’d bring Q’doba.” That’s just the kind of guy he was. He loved Tacos... loved ‘em. He was such a down to earth guy and a real goofball, so even when everyone else was being serious, he had to lighten the mood with a joke about tacos.

Matt died November 27, 2017 in Springfield, MO. It is still unfathomable to his family and friends that someone who brought so much joy to those around him is gone. His parents brought him home to be laid to rest at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
Matt’s passing has left a hole in the heart of his family that can never be filled. His family and friends miss him every day for his empathy, loyalty, kindness, and giving nature. He would tell you that he loved his family, his girlfriend, his Guard unit, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. We will always be proud of Matt’s life well lived. We love him, miss him, and remember him for his wacky sense of humor and how he lit up a room with his smile.
Honor and Remember Nebraska Chapter is pleased to present this flag, sponsored by many close friends, to the family of PFC Matthew C. Myers.

Matthew's family golfed in his honor at the 1st Honor and Remember Golf Scramble held at The Pines Country Club 2020.