Staff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger, 30, of Grand Island, NE. was one of 30 Americans killed in a Chinook helicopter crash. He had only been in country for a short period of time. Chris Hamburger said his brother landed in Afghanistan less than two weeks prior to the crash.
“He didn’t have to go and he wanted to go because his group was getting deployed. He wanted to be there for them — that’s him for you,” Chris Hamburger added that Patrick always looked out for his two younger brothers and friends. Staff Sergeant Hamburger’s family said he was a crew chief on his first deployment. And Staff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger wanted some of his mom’s trail mix. The familiar snack was something he took with him to Afghanistan hoping this taste of home might make his deployment go faster. Chris Hamburger spoke to Patrick on July 26th and said he was joking around but didn’t talk about his mission. “He didn’t want us to worry about it.”
Patrick Hamburger intended to be married when he returned from overseas. Patrick and his girlfriend, Candie Reagan, are parents to a 2-year-old daughter, and Patrick has also helped raise his girlfriend’s 13-year-old child. Staff Sergeant Hamburger grew up in Lincoln, graduated from Southeast High School in 1999.
Patrick joined the National Guard in 1998. He has continuously served in Nebraska Army aviation units.”He epitomized in my opinion today’s modern national guardsman. Joined at 18, was making a career of it,” added Ted Guenther, a friend.
“He was selfless,” explained Chris Hamburger. “He didn’t worry about himself half as much as he worried about everyone else. You could have been a complete stranger and if he could have helped you, he would’ve done it. Patrick was a hero even before he put on his uniform and saluted the flag.”

“Oh how I miss you so much! I love looking at pictures of you and your smile and think of our life we had and how happy we were. I think how I will never be that happy again in my life. No one will ever make me as happy as you! Nor do I even ever want to try to find someone to even make me happy like that! All I want is to have you back in my life. I want my life back to normal and that means having you in it! I know I will never get that again. Till the day I pass and I can be in your arms again. I love you so much! Miss you like crazy! I love love love you! always and forever! “
Candie Reagan, Staff Sergeant Hamburger’s lady
Honor and Remember Nebraska Chapter is pleased to present this flag sponsored by an Anonymous Donor to the family of SGT Patrick D. Hamburger.
Lincoln city officials plan to rename the bridge system referred to as the Big X to the Staff Sgt. Patrick Hamburger Veterans Memorial Bridge.
The Big X is the Antelope Valley Parkway and Salt Creek Roadway intersection near the Devaney Sports Center.
The bridge dedication ceremony is 1-2 p.m. Friday at the Spirit of 76 Armory, 1776 N. 10th St.
Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler will speak at the event where the new bridge signs will be unveiled.
Because of space limitations, the event is closed to the public.
Staff Sgt. Hamburger, a Lincoln native, was a Chinook CH-47 helicopter flight engineer assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion) of the Nebraska Army National Guard.
He died serving Operation Enduring Freedom on Aug. 6, 2011. Hamburger suffered fatal wounds during a Special Forces Mission -- called Extortion 17 -- in the Tangi Valley, Wardak Province, Afghanistan.
During the Extortion 17 mission, his Chinook helicopter, transporting 31 American troops, was shot out of the sky by Taliban insurgents using a rocket-propelled grenade. All aboard were killed. It remains the single greatest loss of American lives in the Afghan war.
Patrick's brother, Chris Hamburger, said the volunteer group, Bridges for the Fallen, and Lincoln Mayor’s Office have worked with the family to find a way to honor his brother in his hometown.
Lincoln Journal Star Bridge Renamed