SGT JESSICA JACKSONARMYSgt. Jessica Lynn (Jackson) Barnett, age 21, died Friday, Aug. 15, 2014 in Nashville, Tenn. She was born in Lincoln on Feb. 15, 1993 to Jim and Dianne …
Michael Craighead
CPT MICHAEL W. CRAIGHEADARMYMichael William Craighead was born on July 4, 1949 in Topeka, Kansas to William and Erika Craighead. A few minutes after he was born his twin sister …
Patrick Hamburger
SGT PATRICK D. HAMBURGERARNGStaff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger, 30, of Grand Island, NE. was one of 30 Americans killed in a Chinook helicopter crash. He had only been in country for …
Paul Goc
SP4 PAUL S. GOCARMYPaul Stephen Goc Jr. never set out to be a war hero. In the spring of 1968, the Omaha native dropped out of what was then called …
Gregory Dean Unzicker
SSgt GREGORY DEAN UNZICKERARMYGregory Dean Unzicker was born on September 8, 1949 to Calvin and Lucille Unzicker in Dodge City, Kansas. He was educated at St. James School and graduated …
Manuel Puentes
Ssg MANUEL R. PUENTESARMYManuel Rameriz Puentes was born on August 28, 1950. According to our records Texas was his home or enlistment state and El Paso County included within the …
Brandon Meyer
SPC BRANDON A. MEYERARMYBrandon Meyer was a wide-smiling pastor’s son with a sarcastic sense of humor and a fondness for practical jokes. And when he first spoke by telephone with …
Floyd Whittaker
SSG FLOYD WHITTAKERARMYMabel Stansbury, sister of the late Staff Sgt. Floyd E. Whittaker, receives an Honor and Remember flag during a ceremony at the Ferguson House in Lincoln. Picture by …
Edwin Wood
PFC EDWIN C. WOODARMYOn the ground in Afghanistan barely more than a month, Edwin “Eddie” Wood already had survived one bomb attack. Back out on patrol Monday as a scout …
Adam Herold
SPC ADAM G. HEROLDARMYLINCOLN — Families of fallen military members asked Nebraska senators this year to provide legal recognition to a special flag that honors their loved ones. What they …