SGT PATRICK D. HAMBURGERARNGStaff Sergeant Patrick Hamburger, 30, of Grand Island, NE. was one of 30 Americans killed in a Chinook helicopter crash. He had only been in country for …
Michael Bock
SSgt MICHAEL A. BOCKMARINEMarine Staff Sgt. Michael A. Bock, 26, of Leesburg, Fla. SSgt. Bock was assigned to 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine …
Edwin Wood
PFC EDWIN C. WOODARMYOn the ground in Afghanistan barely more than a month, Edwin “Eddie” Wood already had survived one bomb attack. Back out on patrol Monday as a scout …
Caleb Nelson
P01 CALEB A. NELSONNAVYPetty Officer 1st Class (PO1) Caleb Nelson, 26, strongly felt that God had directed him into the SEALs and had given him the skills to excel in …
Robert Yllescas
CPT ROBERT J. YLLESCASARMYRobert J. Yllescas was born on October 7, 1977 to Otto Yllescas and Barb Vorthmann in Guatemala. He has a brother Christopher, two sisters Jennifer and Natalie. …
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